Saturday, December 28, 2013


Song of the Traveler
An English Translation by Edwin D. Bael
Revised June 19, 2014

Dry leaf flying aimlessly
snatched off by violent storm,
Thus lives the traveler on earth,
Without reference, soul, country, love.

Eagerly seeking bliss everywhere,
And this bliss just fleets away: 
Vain shadow mocking his desire!
For her the traveler launches to sea!

Impelled by an invisible hand
He roams from end to end;
Memories keep him company 
Of loved ones, one happy day.

In a tomb perhaps in the desert  
He’ll find sweet sanctuary of peace: 
Forgotten by his country and the world… 
Rest in peace after so much pain! 

And they envy the sad traveler
When he swiftly crosses the earth… 
Ah, they know not within the soul 
Gapes a void from lack of love! 

The peregrine shall return to his country, 
And to his lairs may perhaps go back, 
And he’ll find snow and ruins everywhere, 
Lost loves, sepulchers, nothing more.    

Go, traveler, continue on your way,    
A foreigner in your own country; 
Leave others who sing of loves, 
Others who enjoy; you, fly to depart. 

Go, traveler, don’t shift or hide your face, 
For there are no cries following goodbyes; 
Go, traveler, and drown your sorrows; 
For the world mocks the pain of others.

Canto del Viajero                                                    
By Dr. Jose Rizal                                                       
Hoja seca que vuela indecisa                                      
arrebata violento turbión,                                           
Así vive en la tierra el viajero,                                    
Sin norte, sin alma, sin patria ni amor.                       

Busca ansioso doquiera la dicha,                              
Y la dicha se aleja fugaz:                                           
¡Vana sombra que burla su anhelo! . . .                    
¡Por ella el viajero se lanza a la mar!                         

Impelido por mano invisible                                      
Vagará de confín a confin;                                          
Los recuerdos le harán compañia                              
De séres queridos, de un día feliz.                              

Una tumba quizá en el desierto                                 
Hallará, dulce asilo de paz:                                        
De su patria y del mundo olvidado . . .                       
¡Descanse tranquilo, tras tanto penar!                      

Y le envidian al triste viajero,                                     
Cuando cruza la tierra veloz . . .                                
¡Ay!, ¡no saben que dentro del alma                           
Existe un vacio do falta el amor!                                 

Volverá el peregrine a su patria,                                 
Y a sus lares tal vez volverá,                                      
Y hallará por doquier nieve y ruina,                           
Amores perdidos, sepulcros, no más.                               

Vé, viajero, prosigue tu senda,                                   
Extranjero en tu propio país;                                      
Deja a otros que canten amores,                                 
Los otros que gocen; tú vuela a partir.                       

Vé, viajero, no vuelvas el rostro,                                 
Que no hay Ilanto que siga al adios;                         
Vé, viajero, y ahoga tus penas;                                   
Que el mundo se burla de ajeno dolor.                     

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